Too often, we hear arguments from climate skeptics that the costs of transitioning to clean energy are too high. They’ve perpetuated a myth that has stalled climate action time and again.
But a new report released at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland tells a different story.
The report finds that if the world stayed on its current course without taking action against climate change, it would cost the global economy $178 trillion over the next 50 years. Makes sense, seeing as experiencing the worst effects of climate change would mean loss of homes, jobs, and farmland, all mixed with skyrocketing spending on healthcare.
On the flip side, if the world takes immediate steps towards carbon neutrality by 2050, the report finds that the global economy would add $43 trillion in the exact same timeframe.
These findings make it clear: Every angle you look at – including an economic perspective – a clean energy future has tremendous benefits. And we cannot afford to hold back on a renewable energy revolution any longer.
Our SEEC Members are pushing for an end to fossil fuel dependency and to instead shift us towards 100% clean energy. But they’re up against opponents who love to tout the false myth that acting on climate is bad for the economy. Our SEEC Members need your help to push back on that narrative and ensure their voices remain in Congress.
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