The GOP is targeting 17 SEEC climate champions

This year, the GOP is targeting 17 of our SEEC climate champions in Congress!

Reps. Mary Peltola, Mike Levin, Darren Soto, Eric Sorensen, Chris Pappas, Susie Lee, Steven Horsford, Emilia Sykes, Val Hoyle, Andrea Salinas, Susan Wild, Matt Cartwright, Chris Deluzio, Seth Magaziner, Pat Ryan, Marcy Kaptur, and Kim Schrier are all counting on our support.

Our goal is to make a max-out contribution to each of these vulnerable SEEC members to help them win their competitive races this November, but we can’t do this without you. Will you please rush in a donation right now to help us reach our goal?

These 17 SEEC members are extremely vulnerable, and they’re counting on our support to help win their competitive races this year and defend our climate progress.

We know the Fossil Fuel Republicans funded by their Big Oil and Gas special interests will be spending millions of dollars to take these members out of their seats and keep us from building a more sustainable planet for all of us.

Will you please send in a generous grassroots donation to help us defend our most vulnerable members and take back the House next year?