At this point, it shouldn’t shock us anymore, but somehow it still does. While we know that Big Oil has been buying politicians for years and years, the news from Trumpland this month took the cake.
To save his political future, Trump begged his Big Oil friends to donate up to $1 BILLION… calling it a “deal” for them given how much they will avoid in climate taxes and regulations.
In addition to the $6.4 million they’ve already given to Trump in the first three months of 2024, the Oil and Gas industry is also pouring millions of dollars into competitive House races that could decide this election. This money is going directly towards attack ads against our SEEC climate champions who have been holding them accountable in Washington.
So far this election cycle, oil and gas interests have contributed seven times more money to Republicans… and without campaign finance reform, they can flood the airwaves with negative ads in the final months of this election without even disclosing who paid for the ad!